

New Promo + Stage Pictures!

As hinted by the previouspost, we have been having a few exciting promoshoots lately, with amazingly talented photographers such as Jirina Alanko and Marissa Tammisalo. We have uploaded a few of them to our Promo Pictures section, but if you would like to see more remember that you are most likely to find them in our facebook page! ;-)
We have also added a few pictures from our brand new acts at the Helsinki Burlesque Festival 2013 and a few other of our latest gigs.

Our beloved Atelieri O. Haapala, who take the most gorgeous neo-victorian pictures, were again at the festival taking pictures of the gorgeous audience and super talented performers. If you are in Finland and still haven't heard of them, go check their facebook page and figure out when they'll be shooting nearby next, it's absolutely worth it! And if you're not in Finland, you might even get lucky since they have already been to several other countries. And as an example, here you go the pictures they took of us after out acts:

Sandy JungleGigi PralinePepper Sparkles


Post-festival recovering

Long time no write! We are most happy to say that we are finally recovering from this year's Helsinki Burlesque Festival, which was yet again the best so far! The lineup was so packed with the brightest stars in the Finnish and international burlesque scenes that it feels almost impossible to come up with a better one, but stay tuned because I'm sure that Bettie Blackheart and Frank Doggenstein will manage to surprise us all again next year!

And of course we are still excited, honoured and overwhelmed about having been able to be a part of it, and specially about being able to each premier a brand new solo number on a stage so full of stars.
Thank you very much <3

As was to be expected though, all the pre-festival nerves and stress led to some serious flues and whatnot after the festival, and we've all had to be good girls and rest for a change. We're now back though! And full of exciting new ideas for this year, hopefully we'll be able to make some of them true :-)

So while yours trully will try to perform a major update on the website throughout the week (new promo picture + pictures from our brand new solo numbers coming to the gallery), we would like to announce that some cool news will hopefully follow soon! And until then, you can read T.t. Tasses review about this year's HBF 2013 HERE.

Have a wonderful Easter! <3